Just 10 minutes is enough for an employee to get rid of the stress and tension that often accompanies everyday duties. We are pleased to see great interest in the office massage organized in the lobbies of our buildings.
Eximius Boost Pack
The service of short office neck massages is an additional amenity available to employees of the Eximius Park complex. This is a part of the Eximius Boost Pack implemented in cooperation with Manufaktura Zdrowia Fitness & Gym. You can sign up for a short 10-minute massage directly with the masseuse Kasia, who has set up her stand in the secluded corners of our spacious lobbies. Making the decision to launch such a service, we were guided by the work-life balance philosophy which has accompanied our activities for a long time. The implementation of solutions beneficial to the well-being of employees is also intended to promote the idea of a healthy lifestyle.
Undeniable health benefits
Massage is one of the most pleasant and quickest forms of preventative health care. With a short physiotherapy session, basic pain and muscle problems, back and neck stiffness, as well as tension and numbness in the hands and wrists can be solved. Of course, the great benefit of massage in the workplace is the significant reduction in stress, which helps to increase concentration and creativity and gives you a boost of energy. A few minutes’ massage can also be an opportunity to consult a physiotherapist, who can advise where to seek help in case of more serious ailments. These benefits are an advantage for both the employer and the employee. It is worth taking a break from work for a while, so that after a relaxing massage you can perform your duties even more effectively.
Multi-purpose lobbies
We have decided to locate the office massage service at work in the atrium of our buildings, so that everyone has easy access to it. The massage armchair, where you can kneel down without taking your clothes off, is placed behind a screen that provides the necessary privacy. Lobbies in our complex have already fulfilled unusual functions many times. For example, in the space of almost 300 m2, corporate events such as blood donation campaigns, as well as exhibitions and vernissages have been organized.