“Anyone can save a life” is the slogan on the staingalive.org app. Recently, health and life issues have become a priority for us. At the same time, data shows that still most of us are afraid to provide first aid to the injured. During a pandemic, these fears are heightened by the fear of Covid-19 virus infection, making the need for education and awareness in the community all the greater. To increase safty and common awareness of first aid, we have installed defibrillators in our office buildings.
What the numbers say?
One of the most common causes of death in our country is sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). It occurs not only as a result of random incidents, such as traffic accidents, but also in many other unpredictable situations. It accounts for about 400,000 people per year in Europe and almost twice that number worldwide. The annual incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Europe is between 67 and 170 per 100,000 population. Resuscitation is undertaken or continued by the Emergency Medical Service in about 50-60% of SCA cases (19-97 per 100,000 population). Unfortunately, the use of AEDs is still low in Europe (3.8-59%, average 28%). Based on this data, collected in the Resuscitation Guidelines 2021, the first aid training system should be expanded. We should also be aware that in a situation where every second counts, it is worth acting immediately. The biggest mistake witnesses of sudden cardiac arrest make is not undertaking CPR. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a set of actions that are carried out on people with suspected sudden cardiac arrest. It is much easier to perform CPR using an AED (AED = automated external defibrillator), which guides the rescuer through all the steps of the rescue procedure. Using the device is not complicated. On the contrary, once activated, it gives the rescuer clear messages and help them manage their emotions while taking CPR actions.
Staying Alive
That is the reason why the Eximius Park complex has been equipped with AED defibrillators. The devices located in the reception of each building have also been marked on the AED availability map in the Staying Alive application. The application, besides locating the devices, also helps to conduct first aid correctly. In our office buildings you will find special signs where to look for the defibrillators in case of need. The security staff of our complex have been trained to carry out efficient rescue operations in case of need. Moreover, we believe that every person trained in the subject has a chance to do something important. Besides the fact that it can save the others person’s life, it also has an impact on spreading the knowledge about first aid.
Chain of survival gives you a chance
Without basic knowledge, the chain of survival itself would be one scheme among many. Therefore, below you will find a very short information about what the chain of survival is, a series of CPR steps that must be taken to save a victim’s life:
Recognition of cardiac arrest and emergency call
Early initiation of CPR
Early defibrillation
Providing post-resuscitation care
As we read in the recommendations of the Polish Resuscitation Council: “Widespread and effective education of both, medical personnel and the public, is essential for mutual understanding of the importance and consequences of taking or not taking CPR.” It is also worth remembering that early use of AED defibrillator (within the first 5 minutes after cardiac arrest) remarkably increases the chances of survival, even by 75%. Every minute of delay in using an AED defibrillator reduces the probability of survival until the ambulance arrives by 10%.
So, put your fears aside, because anyone can save a life!